Wot So Funee? Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

Wot So Funee?

Last week we gave you an introduction to The Facts of Life for Kids. We moved on to giving you a linky post to share your Birth Stories with us. You may well be wondering what nuggets of inspiration await you this week on Wot So Funee? A-levels for 7-year-olds perhaps? News of a starring role in a West End show? No such luck I’m afraid. This week, Wot So Funee? brings you a very simple take on Anakin Skywalker’s fate in the Revenge of the Sith, which we watched with Daddy while Mummy was away in Paris.

I am not a Star Wars fan, requiring a cushion, a cuddle and a partial view to handle even the teeniest bit of Ewok fun. However I did arrive just in time to hear the Bug’s verdict on Anakin’s need for a Darth Vader makeover:

Daddy! Anakin just fell into a steaming river of burning hot lager!

"lava river"*Image credit

Unlucky Anakin! Don’t try that at University will you?

Wot So Funee?Link up your own #funee posts with the linky tool below. Steal my badge, and leave a comment after you have linked. If you’re new here check out the Wot So Funee? main page then come back and join in the fun! Feel free to add any funny post you want to share. Just include a link back to this post or paste the #funee badge into your own. Then go and share the giggles!

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Image from Jedi Council Forums!

I am also linking up with Friday Funnys at Tropical Mum and Mummy Mummy Mum!

Friday Funny

16 thoughts on “Wot So Funee? Star Wars Revenge of the Sith”

    • That just cracked me up! And given that Actually Daddy does work for a beer company it shouldn’t have been a surprise I suppose!

  1. Hee hee! What’s your favourite bedtime story – we’re going on a beer hunt?

    *boom boom*

    am waiting for someone to say something worthy of a #funee this week – we’re having a slow week here !

  2. This made me snort my er…lager. It’s beer o’clock on the other side of the world don’t you know?

    Snap! My eight year old boy also has a special cushion that he sits with whenever he watches something a bit frightening. I don’t think he saw any of this scene, because his eyes were hidden behind the cushion.

    Thanks for linking up!


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