Make believe: when will it stop? Wot so Funee?

Wot So Funee?

 Seriously? Give me a break! When does make believe stop?

"make believe"At “coming up to 9” I’m a tiny bit pleased that GG still holds firm to make-believe. But seriously, I wonder if I’m being played? *Sighs* anyone know where I can get mermaid stationery? In bulk…?

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27 thoughts on “Make believe: when will it stop? Wot so Funee?”

  1. Minxy still beleives… or pretends she does for the sake of the £££ from the tooth fairy!!
    Paperchase have awesome writing sets, not sure on mermaids however xx

  2. Who knows?! My kids are all very aware the tooth fairy doesn’t exist, but I think my 9 year old (who is very bright like GG) believes in The Man in the Red Suit.

  3. She’s a clever one that GG, if she knows the ‘truth’ she will probably play you for a while yet, who wouldn’t capitalise on this opportunity?! Off to google for you… 😉

  4. I was EXACTLY like this as a child! And, yes, I was playing sometimes, but I remember that I meant it all in fun. I didn’t mind being gently brought back down to earth! The operative word being gently! Thanks for the link-up!

  5. Brilliant! I suspect it may well be a bit of both actually – I remember at that age having that dawning realisation at the edges of my mind that it really was all a bit silly, and I should just stop looking out of the corner of my eye for fairy wings, but at the same time looking. And quite frankly, given that believing in the Tooth Fairy nets actual money, why not! Clever gal x

  6. Whether you’re being played or not GG has a great sense of humour. Great post, I hope you find that mermaid paper 🙂

  7. I can’t remember the age I stopped playing ‘make believe’ – I wonder if there’s always some part of us that secretly hopes it’s all real :o)

  8. Finally have a minute to get back and read/comment on the fab posts this week!

    I still believe… At least in making believe! I hope she never really grows out of it 🙂 And good luck finding the paper… Google is your friend!

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