Four years ago me and the Bug, plus M&D went on holiday with some very good friends. We had the most fabulous holiday, and the presence of my friend’s Mum was a huge advantage, given that she is the best natural family photographer in Hertfordshire! I got this as a housewarming gift later that year:
This was followed by a beautiful book of images that we treasure, laughing as we recall a game in the shallow water, a mocktail on the beach, or the sandcastle moat competitions organised daily by our fathers.
Oh how we loved that holiday! And how I thrilled at the arrival of letters from a secret mermaid, whose squirrel friend would surprise us by pegging them on the clothesline every few days for us to find. We would write back to her, and wait with eager anticipation for a reply. Oh yes, I believed, and I continued to write to Melody the mermaid. Mummy has an extra special thank you for her friend, for that lovely to touch to our holiday. THANK YOU, I still believe, 4 years later…
Any suggestions as to how I can ensure a satisfactory response would be most welcome…
If you need beautiful photos of your family and can make it to Hertfordshire you will love Stephanie Belton. Just don’t take her on holiday with you
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I think that Melody will love the designs, my only suggestion would be to maybe do one in another colour – what if she doesn’t like red? :). P.s your Mums friend is a great photographer x
She really is, isn’t she? Thank you
Did Melody ever come back with an idea? I hope she did! I think you will make a good designer of dresses!
Funnily enough, she hasn’t got round to it yet. Too busy blogging, I suspect…
I don’t think you need to see her dress, your own designs are fab
Love the photo!!
I am so pleased you keep writing to Melodie GG, she truly loves your letters! Just don’t mention it to my daughter as she seems to have forgotten all about it… Whoops Sorry mummy!!!
Wow look at little GG there!
ps. I’ll order the one on the right!
I’m friends with Ariel and Sebastian so I’ll see if I can pass a message on to get Melody to respond
Even better, if you could get Ariel to respond on her behalf then Melodie could have a rest…
That’s lovely. What a great dress too I’m sure Melodie would love it x
That’s such a lovely idea!
I love the sparkly top on the dress on the left, it would be a lovely party dress :oD
Yes, Melodie made the mistake of writing to GG to tell her that her mother is a fishy seamstress and made it for her. Doh!
It’s all ok, Melody has grown a little, got herself a blog and my two have met her as well
That’s brilliant!
My camera is broken? How sweet
How about replying, saying that Melodie’s Mum helped GG’s Mum choose the silver dress for the Comic Relief school run? And they borrowed style advice from GG’s original designs?
Genius! How do you fancy a job…?
Would be happy to oblige
You get Melody dressed by GOK WAN he’s done everybody darling
GG Wills, the new Gok Wan