Have you ever heard of an Edible Book Festival? No, neither had we, but when Zoe, at Playing by the book announced she was hosting one on her blog, we headed straight over. Up for grabs was an original drawing by Emma Chichester Clark, of Blue Kangaroo fame, and all we had to do was make an edible representation of a favourite book.
Well, we didn’t have to be asked twice, and immediately set about baking a cake representation of the Sword in the Stone, having recently enjoyed King Arthur and the Mighty Contest from the Crazy Camelot series by Tony Mitten.
Mummy baked a cake in a loaf tin, covered it in butter-icing containing far too much black colouring to be good for us, and then got stumped on the sword.
Luckly Twitter came up with the answer: roll out fondant icing, cut 2 lengths, and leave to dry hard. Thencover with stuff we never knew existed – edible silver shimmer spray!
For good measure, to make the sword stronger (and just because we like them) we stuck Curly Wurlys along the back of the icing with a little bit of icing sugar mixed up with egg white, then plunged our sword into our rock hard cake! 😉 A quick spray of shimmer all over, and our cake was off on it’s cyberjourney to enter the competition.
We were allowed 2 entries, so it didn’t take long before the Bug wanted something themed around his favourite book, Aliens love Underpants, by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. Mummy was quick onto this one, having seen some primary-coloured icing in Sainsbury’s. Using 2 cakes baked in a metallic bowl, she sandwiched them together and coated them with jam to make first an alien, and then his pants.
Chocolate Mikado biscuits propped up icing ball eyes, embellished with black writing icing. Once again the photo headed over to Playing by the Book, only moments before all that remained on that cake board was pants 😀
To see all the entries head over to Playing by the Book, and for more inpiration check out the edible books on Pinterest.
I particularly loved your Alien in underpants – I’d be very happy if someone gave me a cake looking like that! And the shimmer spray looks fun too. Thank you so much for taking part in the festival – it was an honour to have you participate 🙂
wow what a great competition. I love your cakes, especially the alien in underpants, my kids also love that book.
I love the underpants cake!!! Fab idea I might need to steal? ;o)
Steal away! Dead simple and quick
Fabulous! Love the alien cake! x
The best part of baking is licking the beaters! Your cakes look grand for the festival.
These are great! I, too, love the underpants cake. I’m making my first proper birthday cake in June, have decided on a ladybird theme, and am terrified.
They are awesome!
Thank you 🙂
Popping over from the carnival – fab cakes – love your Aliens love Underpants one that’s a favourite book in our house too
Thank you, you can’t really beat the underpants stories! Good luck with your Mads votes too!
WOah those are fabulous – the King Arthur cake is fantastically goth-tastic!
Thanks Nell – It was so much fun coming up with ideas. I secretly love that little alien dude 😉