Wot So Funee? Mums with nappy brain!

Wot So Funee?Mummy uses this feature each week to highlight some of the  things the Bug and I say and write that make her laugh. That’s fine; I’m a big girl, I can take a bit of nonsense if it makes her happy. What she neglects to include though, are the random gaffs that come out of the mouths of Mums with nappy brain. This week I am redressing the balance!

Never let Mums with nappy brain out unsupervised:
About 3 months after I was born, Mummy set off with two other new Mummies for a girls weekend. There were three adults in the car. The atmosphere was buzzing with the excited chatter of women let loose and unfettered by nappies. There were three small overnight bags containing recently renounced luxuries: perfume, hair-conditioner, high heels, sheer tights, body glitter and dangly earrings. Not a baby wipe in sight. As they cruised past fields on their way to Martinis and Sushi, the glamour and sophistication of the event came crashing to a halt:

         “Oooh look! Moo-cow!”

And parents think they’re the smart ones!!

*Due to a rather long conversation that Mummy had on Facebook, whereby lots of other Mums saw fit to confess some truly ridiculous antics, next week’s Wot So Funee? will be dedicated entirely to the daft stuff parents do that makes kids look like they should be in charge! Who dares to confess to nappy brain??

Wot So Funee?Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the bottom of the page, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! If you’re new here you can check out the Wot So Funee? main page for more info.

9 thoughts on “Wot So Funee? Mums with nappy brain!”

  1. When the kids were young and we would drive past cows, I would always yell cowwws very loudy. Well fast forward many years and I am still doing it. If there are no kids with us, I will actually text them the word cowwwssss. (Mom’s weird).

  2. Won’t be blog hopping but now my kids are 9 & 12 happens all the time, I’m starting to think my name is ‘doh’! Last time we were walking the puppy who met another dog, and during the usual bum sniff I told them the story of where bum sniffing comes from:

    at the dogs’ evening ball they all hung up their coats and bums when they went in to dance, all of a sudden the fire alarm went off and as they dashed out they all grabbed the nearest coat and bum, to this day they’re still looking for their own which is why they have a good sniff when they meet a new friend.

  3. VERY funny! I can remember lots of times when the glamour and sophistication came crashing to a halt (and wince especially at the thought of doing an impression of a plane, arms-outstretched, in adult company)…
    I just hope the glamour and sophistication will start again, one day!!


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