Ha! Something tells me GG has sussed the provenance of the mermaid letter that arrives with decreasing frequency at our house. At last! I can stop adding that to my to do list! And what’s more, she’s totally stitched herself up for several months to come. You see, we found this on the mat, on the Bug’s birthday:
So wrapped up is she in the illusion, she’s given herself extra work too:
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Hehe she has an excellent imagination. She would make a brilliant mermaid I think!
Heh heh designing a dress ey? Maybe SeaShell would like your silver one – send a photo it’ll be easier π
oh yes i agree with annie, the silver dress would look delish in the deep blue sea all shimmery and sparkly x
Oh yes, THE silver dress π
What an imagination – I’m sure the dress will be amazing!
PS. Sorry about the incorrect link… Not quite sure what happened there π
No worries x
It looks like she is making work for herself, unless she is after the praise from Bug for designing something π x
Not sure where it’s heading really. Maybe she’s double bluffing me – perhaps for every letter
Iher mermaid writes to her, the Bug will get one. Maybe it’s me who’s being stitched up!?Oh dear, oh dear! She really has stitched herself up!!! π Really glad to be back this week – even though it is with a ‘best of’!
Best of is always good, especially from Grace π
Hilarious! Can’t wait for the updates – would love to see the dress too! x
brilliant! who gets to make the dress now then? π
Ah that’s the genius bit. She designs it and sends the design through to the mermaid, who gets her mum to make it!
Haha that’s absolutely brilliant. I am in awe of her imagination… she will go far! X
Haha, this is taking the whole secret Mermaid thing to a new level. Can’t wait to find out what will happen next x
So sweet! Bless her little cotton socks π