Cava – Mummy’s Guilty Pleasure

This, as the Bug has christened it, is popping wine. Mummy calls it Cava, Prosecco, or on rare occasions Champagne. Not sure why, I mean it’s basically fizzy wine, isn’t it?

Mummy will often share a bottle of wine with Daddy, or a friend. Cava, I have observed, is not for sharing. It is Mummy’s. And it is through close scrutiny that I have learned this fact: when something is not to be shared, it should be consumed as quickly as possible.

Mummy recently drank a lot of Cava on a tour of the vineyards of Catalunya. That evening I hatched a wonderful plan to surprise her with a special breakfast in bed. I insisted that Daddy take me to the local supermarket to buy popping wine, and it had to be pink. Unfortunately there was no pink Cava, and the requirement for pink was the over-riding factor in my vision. So the following morning, as Mummy groaned her way out of sleep, and mentioned something about a headache, I proudly presented her with a croissant, and a holiday-home tumbler of rosé wine.

I’ll bet she’s so pleased to have such a thoughtful daughter…:)

I was inspired to write about Mummy’s Guilty Pleasures by the Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery. I wonder what other people are guilty of this week?

18 thoughts on “Cava – Mummy’s Guilty Pleasure”

  1. Aww I love your story about the tumbler of rose – very sweet. I do admit I am quite partial to cava myself – we have a little ritual of having a bottle every Friday night to kickstart the weekend which I love 🙂

  2. Fab post. I Love Cava and I adore Champers as a special treat. My Nan had a big birthday party for her 70th and Champagne was flowing thick and fast…there were crates and crates of it…so much infact that I was given a whole crate to take home with me. I was overjoyed and thrilled my cousins didnt share my appreciation for the bubbly stuff, lol x

  3. Partial to a bit of fizz are we? I am happy to drink some on any occasion but will always have a glass of cold dry white in preference.
    Love your Catalunya Hair of The Dog experience, such a sweet child you have there xx

    • She is rather lovely (sometimes). I had to stay in bed until they went to the pool and then pour it down the sink. 8.30 in the morning is just a bit too early for me!!


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