Bug can ski!

Children's ski gear

Two years ago my brother took his first ski lesson. We’re lucky enough to live a short drive from The Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead, and I had been skiing a few times already. I’d done ok with the slippery sticks and will happily fling myself face down in the snow whenever I get the chance, so The Bug, quite naturally, was willing to give it a go.

To cut a long story short, he managed his first lesson, with some coaxing from my mother, and consented to a second. To which Daddy was the responsible adult. He’s not as good with the coaxing as Mummy. It was a disaster.

If you’ve read about our upcoming ski holiday with Mark Warner, you will know that skiing is obligatory in our family. If it were a choice between learning maths and learning to ski, maths would bite the dust. So Mummy rolled an eye in the general direction of our Dad, and set about cajoling The Bug back onto the slopes. And I’m pleased to say that this has been the result:

I’m proud. He winds me up and I yell at him quite a bit, but I watched his lessons and almost forgot that I was jealous it was him, not me out on the slopes.

We deliberately chose those bright yellow salopettes so we could always spot him on the slopes (he’s only little). Plus he’s really cosy in his matching cool jacket, and having the proper gear has bigged him up enough to feel like he’s a proper skier.

Children's ski gearAnd of course, where my brother is getting cool new stuff, I’m chipping away at the parental conscience to secure the same for me. What do you think?

Children's ski gear

In terms of tips for children’s ski gear, as well as proper salopettes and jackets, we have thermal base layers and fleece tops to go under our jackets. Far from being cold, The Bug has exited the slopes each time sporting a sweaty look under his rented helmet. Nice. He also came home with headlice, which swiftly made Mummy rethink her decision to rent a helmet; we are now doing extra chores around the house to earn enough money to purchase our own, brand new ski helmets (with a little help from Grandma).

Mark Warner can cater for children of any age, introducing them slowly to the snow.ย For us though, the strategy was to get me and The Bug up to a reasonable level of confidence so that we can really learn fast when we get to the Alps. I think M&D have visions of happy families skiing Les 3 Vallรฉes together. But have you seen my brother?? We’ll be leaving them in the powder in no time at all!

Disclosure: we are Mark Warner Family Ski Ambassadors for 2014, and have a complimentary stay at the ChaletHotel Val d’Isรจre for the purposes of review. We were given our children’s ski wear by Bespoke Offers, who have great deals on a huge range of products and services. All editorial and opinion is our own.


59 thoughts on “Bug can ski!”

  1. Skiing terrifies me and I am quite happy that we no longer have a ski hill in the city (we did years ago, but we no longer receive enough snow for the hills to be profitable). Anyways, when the teenage boy was in grade 8, he went on a ski trip with his class. He chose the snowboard, and after going over all my rules, ie wear a helmet at all times, I acquiesced and he ended up having a great time. Where he attends university now, there are ski hills everywhere, but alas it is now a financial cost that keeps him off the hills. Which I’m okay with, being a paranoid mom.

    Good for Bug, I like how they teach him to fall properly, that is extremely important too.

    • I’m torn Catherine – half of me loves the thrill of it and wants that for my children too; the other half is terrified of a broken leg!

  2. Nice gig, GG! I’d love to take my kids skiing, but as I am the only one who has ever done it (and a long time ago when I was 14) I think we’d need a bit of practice at the Snow Centre.

  3. brilliant progress! and love the gear! It’s worth it to be warm, and snug especially if you are out all day long.
    My tip, for what it’s worth, is to have a spare set of ski mittens/gloves per child in your day bag in case of heavy snow/white outs whilst skiing. That way if the gloves get wet, you’ve a spare set at the ready. Nothing worse than having crying kids with cold hands! (or adults for that matter!) Good luck! x

  4. Ace! I love how nonchalant he looks whilst going down too!

    You both look very smart in your ski gear…now I don’t suppose you have a photo of daddy in his do you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Well done to the B – always amazes me how fast they pick these things up. My two have only been ski-ing once, and are already better at it than me! Next time, they are going, and I am having a coffee! Great post, and will check out the tips too, as our trip isn’t too long ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Ah that video tells a lovely little story. I like the going backwards bit! He looks really comfortable and happy ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I am soooooo jealous as we used to live a one hour drive from the French Alps so skied a lot – L had her first ski session when she was just 3, and the size of a 2 year old! We had a fab skiing holiday back there last year where, aged 6, she overtook my ski ability, but I’m gutted that there is no skiing planned for this season. ENJOY!
    (and tell Mummy not to eat all the cheese!)

  8. Well done Bug! Looking at the ski centre in Hemel Hempstead – is that real (manmade) snow? The ski centre near us is just plastic!

  9. GG – love the suit you look fab!
    And BUG – awesome job dude! You can ski! you are going to have so much fun on holiday – can’t wait to see the pictures!

  10. Another terrified never-going-to-ski person here, we are soooo accident prone it would be SUCH a bad idea! However, it looks as if you all had a fabulous time ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. How cool to be close to a ski centre, would love to try it out but would probaly never master it, looks scary!! My cousins all ski and there children have since they could walk more or less. Looks fab fun, so pleased he mastered it in time for your hols.

  12. I lived for 20 years in Italy at the bottom of a ski slope and every winter we would ski right the way through to Easter, it’s something I miss very much so Bug and GG have a wonderful time and I LOVE your ski outfits

  13. Love, love, love the video! When will Bug be trying out for the Olympic downhill team? I particularly loved the jump. It is really wonderful to see the progress. You are going to have an amazing holiday!

  14. They look so cool in their ski gear! I have to say I would have been afraid to ski even before the wheelchair – but children are so fearless! having watched the winter Olympics it looks like it would be tonnes of fun ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Those outfits are great – my daughters would be really jealous of the spotty one! I’d love to take our kids skiing but think we’ll be waiting another couple of years till my toddler will actually wear a coat and mittens at the same time.

  16. Wooohoooo go bug!!
    Is love the opportunity to go, how lovely to be Mark Warner Ambassadors! I hope you have an amazing trip. Loving the funky ski clothing x

  17. Wow! Go bug! I dont have the co-ordination required for ski-ing, or any sport for that matter, but sign me up for hot chocolates in log cabins any day!

  18. Give Bug a big pat on the back from me Helen, that is such a great achievement for him.I love GG’s spotty ski wear, they both look very cosy but chic.I hope they earn enough pocket money soon so they have to contender with nits again :/

  19. What a fab post, I think real life skills like this (especially outdoors ones!) are so much more important than things like maths ๐Ÿ˜€ absolutely love their outfits, I always think bright is better with outdoor clothing and little ones… can spot them in the distance! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. They look so cool and will have the time of their lives. I’ve never attempted downhill skiing, I’m too petrified to ruin my leg again, but cross-country is great fun and I would actually love to give biathlon a go x

  21. That is amazing, I am quit jealous having never skied in my life that both of your kids can do it! At the moment a lot of our friends are taking their toddlers with them and having a go and it is tempting. The yellow trousers look great too x

  22. I love skiing.
    This one my first choice for a winter sport when I was younger…. but then I moved to UK and no more snowy hills ๐Ÿ™

  23. haha I laughed out loud at the bit on the vlog where Bug went backwards! Bless him!
    Cool ski clothes though- they are nice and bright aren’t they?!

    • For a moment Nadine I thought he was a gonner, but his instructor said he was deliberately teaching them to go backwards so they’d know what to do if it happened! ๐Ÿ˜€


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