Winners and Losers of BritMums Live blog conference 2013

I posted this on Facebook this morning:

"can't blog!"

"actually mummy"Turns out everyone knew how I felt. There are so many things I want to write about BritMums Live that I just couldn’t begin to know how to get them out of my head and onto the keyboard. Where to start? Other bloggers claimed the same; the weekend blog conference had left them exhilarated, inspired, but overwhelmed. But I cannot write my normal musings until I package my thoughts on this huge event into neat boxes, labelled and filed in the labyrinth of my brain, where I can find them easily when I need them again. So here goes.

So who are the winners and losers of BritMums Live 2013?

"winners and losers"

Image credits: Mammasaurus, Hello it’s Gemma, Plus 2 Point 4, HPMcQ, Mummy Alarm, Science Sparks, Domestic Goddesque, Crazy With Twins, Mummy from the Heart.

These are just a few of the faces running through my mind over the last few days. There are many more, but I can’t find photos of all of them. All of these people have lost something in one way or another, be it a penny, a handbag, an award, or an argument. And all of them were winners last weekend for so many reasons:

  • Siblu, the family holiday company who we use every year, and who generously agreed to sponsor me for BritMums Live. If you took my card, you will find their wonderful site on the back. They still have opportunities for bloggers to work with them.
  • Mummy Barrow and Mammasaurus, who walked away with more awards than they could carry, for their tireless innovation and hard work. But they have also won hearts and minds with their support of others, and their friendly voices that are just about everywhere!
  • PLUS 2.4 and others, who overcame the not insignificant nerves that such an event brings, to not only attend, but to wholeheartedly join in. I hope they went home with a sense of achievement, because achievers is what they are. Aly, Joy, Cas, and everyone else to whom this applies: #nervesofsteel ladies!
  • Edspire, who has lost more than any mother should ever have to, yet who came to an emotional event, faced those who have offered kind words over the internet, cried, and came back, for the sake of Matilda Mae. Jennie, you are truly a winner.
  • Katie Piper, who came back from a loss so severe that she was urecognisable. Who gave an inspiring speech, and who is determined to help other people survive their own losses. That’s a winning person in my eyes.
  • Alice (My Life My Son My Way), who has lost weight and looked divine, even in a hen-night veil!
  • Kerry. An enormous loss. The loss of her light, her smile, her positive energy. And yet in one moment, in a tribute to Kerry, she was there in that room, with us, singing Firework, and though we all felt her loss, we were all winners in that moment.
  • Emma, and Gemma, who led that beautiful tribute

"Tribute to Kerry"

Image credit: My Two Mums.
  • Jen and Susanna, who worked so hard to create what every year is the highlight of the blogging calendar, a huge event, full of opportunities. And all their team, who worked long days too.
  • Everyone else. So many people, some who I hardly had time to speak to, others who I totally missed, still more who weren’t even there. People who have shaped and supported my blogging journey to the the point where I too became a winner:

"Britmums brilliance in blogging awards"

To say I was shocked doesn’t do justice to how I felt when my name was called in this category. The category sponsor Funny Women, had this to say:

I found lots of things on this site laugh-out-loud hilarious. If I was starting my parenting journey all over again I would stop off at this site regularly for a humour fix. Kids are naturally funny. This blog uses this to excellent advantage to poke fun at parenthood. I even hear their voices in my head when I read it.

About me. Me. I’m actually going to say that again, because I can’t make sense of it. Me. I am beyond flattered, and grateful, so if you voted for me at any point thank you so much for making my weekend – no, my year!

I felt like a winner in so many ways last weekend. BritMums gave me the chance to speak on a panel about how to work with brands. Tamsin Smith from the BBC was a wonderful host, and fellow panellists Nadine Hill from Juggle Mum, and Rosie Shelley from Google and Rosie Scribble, made the whole thing run smoothly. If you’re ever asked to speak on a panel, I say go for it. It was like having a cup of tea with some really interesting women – only there were 60 other people in the room watching!

"britmumslive working with brands"

Image credit: New Mum Online

I offered my media pack to other bloggers who were stuck on how to start creating their own, and was touched by their comments. “I found your transparency frank and refreshing,” emailed one blogger. It annoys me that there is so much secrecy, and I am happy to share what I’ve learned, as one or two people did with me in my early days.

Finally, the heady moment of reading a keynote speech on the truth about parenting. The nerves, the lights, the microphone, the sea of faces, the laughs that came – thankfully – in the right places. The moments of silence when silence was called for. Thank you, all of you.

And when I came home, there was this. Double win.


To quote the beautiful Lady Briggs, no-one judged, no-one whispered no matter who you were or what your story. And that is the point. We have all lost something in our lives. But we were all winners in some way last weekend. Just take a look at this fella – that’s the look of a winner all over his face 😉

"missie lizzie"

Image credit: Me and my Shadow




49 thoughts on “Winners and Losers of BritMums Live blog conference 2013”

  1. In am BEYOND gutted that I didn’t get to spend any time with you last weekend 🙁 So flippin’ proud of you for winning a BiB, however, you EPIC lady, you!xxx

  2. So glad you have got over your BritMums blogging block and have written such a brilliant post Helen. I think you are right that many of us felt this exact same way. Thanks for the lovely mention xxx

  3. You deserve the win completely! This is one of the first blogs I ever read and it made me laugh out loud – and then quietly spit that I wasn’t as talented! And you share you media pack? wow – can I have a look – mine is shockingly dull and probably wrong!

    • No such thing as wrong, just rehash someone else’s until it suits you – that’s all I did. I’ll ping it over to you. How could I not, when you flatter me so? 😉

  4. Love this post, I came away proud of myself, and of the whole blogging community. It was more than I could have hoped for! Bring on next year, and many congrats on your award! 🙂

  5. Was so lovely to see you again and congratulations on your win. What a fabulous memory you’ve put together here, I get nostalgic looking at the images

  6. Goosebumps

    Anybody who has got to spend time with you is a winner.

    And those that don’t have you as a friend are losers *makes L shape with fingers on forehead*

    Bloody love you Mrs.

  7. Awww, thanks Helen.It was great to hang out with you and I’m proud of you for winning your ‘funny’ award.Hope to see you soon 🙂

  8. It was such an emotional and overwhelming couple of days. I am only just starting to come out of my britmums bubble a week later. Congratulations on your award and your keynote speech. I have to say, I think a career on the telly may be on the horizon for you… #justputtingitoutthere
    Lovely to spend so much time with you xx

  9. Many congratulations once again, it’s still not quite sunk in yet for me. Was lovely to sleep with you – but don’t tell anyone I went to bed before you or my party-girl image will be shattered!
    Same time next year?

  10. I still cannot get over how amazing your Keynote speech was and still recall the tears of proudness to call myself your friend. You are indeed Epic and a winner – oh and thank you so much for the achievement acknowledgement.

    See you soon :O)

  11. This is such a lovely, heartfelt post, Helen. It makes me wish I’d been there even more! Your award is well-deserved and I just hope I can be there next year to share it xx

  12. Oh bloody hell, I’m getting shivers reading this! It was beyond epic to see you and watch you collect your award that you worked your arse off for. Thank you for making me feel so welcome, both at BML and in this blogging community bubble. Cannot wait for next year! x

  13. Great post matey! Was thrilled you won! You’re blog is fabulous and you really deserved it!

    Wish I’d come to your session though! There just wasn’t enough time to do everything.

  14. Ace post. Yours was one of the first blogs I ever read and remains one of my favourites that I come back to time and again. Really enjoyed sitting in on your ‘cuppa and gossip with the girls’ on stage about working with brands, just wish I’d got to say more than a quick hi during the weekend! We’ll have to do another London coffee and gossip again soon xx

    • Definitely – whilst it’s great to connect with so many people, there never is enough time to do justice to any of them!

  15. That was just a brilliant write up of Britmums Live. Just loved it. And what an amazing weekend you had – won an award, on a panel, gave a reading. Just bloody wow. After a week of non blogging last week, I am now back in the land of the living. X

    • Thank you! It really was a wow weekend. Glad you’re back – probably very sensible to ease off for a week, maybe I should have done that too…


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