The Photo Gallery: I am Proud…

…of my brother. Shhhh! Keep your voice down! Yes, I know it is lovely, but I really don’t want it shouted from the rooftops. He is, after all, The Bug. He is cute and annoying in equal measure, and if he ever got wise to the fact that I care at all, he would use it against me at every opportunity!

“Mummy, GG is being mean to me…. Mummy, GG isn’t sharing….. Mummy, GG made me be Ken to her Barbie and she won’t let Ken shoot anything….” I mean honestly, you’d think he would finally get wise to the fact that I am older, and a girl, and that I am therefore in charge. It is non-negotiable!

The Bug bugs me. There, I said it. But he also cuddles me. He tells me he loves me. He shares his sweets with me willingly. He watches endless shows when I need an audience, and he lets me have Paparazzi before he gets Judas on the iPod. He is popular at school because he is just so easy-going, and I get a tear when I see him with his reception mates choosing his lunch. And don’t even think about pushing him around on the playground because I will take you down!

I am proud of him for all of this. But I am most proud because he has just learned to do this:

I wrote this for The Gallery at Sticky Fingers, where you can see other people’s pride.

27 thoughts on “The Photo Gallery: I am Proud…”

  1. Awww, that’s so sweet.
    And I have to say that, as someone who was a Reception teacher only a few months ago, The Bug’s writing his coming on very nicely indeed. Clever boy!
    And I’m sure that Mummy is very proud of you for being so proud of your little brother.

    • Thank you Lucy – I shall be submitting more of his work to you for inspection as time goes on. Maybe it will even make it into a #funee post!

  2. I am nearly 30 and I still argue with my brother sometimes! He is a teenager though so is still quite annoying! It’s fun though 🙂 x

  3. That is fantastic, and what brilliant writing. My little boy is also year R and I have a fab photo of his writing coming up too.

    I hoe you both get what you want for Christmas. xx

  4. I never ever showed my little brother that I was proud of him…but deep down I was all the way! well done you for admitting it

  5. Your secret is safe with us but I can totally see why you are so proud of the Bug. I bet you taught him how to write like that too.

  6. Oh that is such a lovely story of proper sibling love and hate! Great stuff, but he can write..that’s amazing, I would be a proud sister too if that were me! x

  7. It’s lovely that you are proud of your little brother – I remember when I was younger I Would watch out for my little brother at school and get into fights protecting him!
    I am now 38 and this week I posted my “something to be proud of” and it was my little brother who is now 36.
    I hope you both have a great relationship together in the future and that you will always remain proud of your little brother.


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