Sibling Harmony: Wot So Funee?

I am back from my little project (more on that soon) and am indebted to Just a Normal Mummy and Mummy Never Sleeps for hosting this linky for the last 2 weeks. Not only did they do a hilariously good job of posting, and sharing all your lovely posts, they also broke the record for the number of people linking up! Apparently you were bribed with gin in week 2. I’m not averse to bibery, and I have just been through Duty Free (I have a LOT of Haribo) – just saying…

Wot So Funee?There is often a fair bit of dischord between myself and the Bug. He’s a boy, I’m a girl; he’s 5, I’m old enough to know better; he likes poo, I like nail-polish; he’s laid back and chilled out, I’m a bit… erm, well, you know….


It’s not often that the Bug surprises us. If he’s not in the room, he’s usually pottering with his Lego. If it’s before 7am, you’ll find him chilling out in his bed. If he takes up a pen, he’ll often be designing a new Light Saber. But this took our breath away:

Lovely brother

To clarify:

  • Maddie is lovley
  • I love dad (he gets confused with his b’s and d’s at the moment
  • Mummy is the best
  • My frends are lovley

He was in a good mood that day…

Wot So Funee?Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! It’s not obligatory, but if you include a link back here in your own post, I’ll return the favour with a tweet-out. If you’re new here you can check out the Wot So Funee? main page for more info.

Thanks to all our readers for voting us into the Mad Blog Awards as a finalist this year! We’d love you to consider giving us a nomination in the Brilliance in Blogging Awards. We were thrilled to be finalists in the Fresh New Voice category last year, and would love to be there again in 2013! Maybe in the Family category, but we’d be honoured to be chosen in any of them.

24 thoughts on “Sibling Harmony: Wot So Funee?”

  1. A bit of bribery with gin works for me! I’m certain Grace would take Haribo any day though! The bug is very cute – he knows who to bribe in your house 😉

  2. Secret projects and lovely messages?
    Have you been working on a revolutionary new drug to instill family harmony?
    Or is it a Haribo overdose?

  3. That’s so cute! They really know how to work their magic on you, don’t they?! My 4 year old is always writing special lists for us x

    • It’s basically why I started this blog. Now that GG is getting a bit more targetted about what she writes, Bug is taking over – it’s lovely!

  4. That’s so lovely! I’d be tempted to keep hold of them and use them as evidence later on!!

    • Ah thank you – he gets very frustrated with it – he’s youngest in his class whereas his sister is eldest in hers so he’s often on the back foot.

  5. That’s gorgeous! Long may it last. If only we could freeze them in time…(only kidding – each new phase seems to be pretty good, at least in our house!)

  6. You know who else is lovely? Bug is lovely! I hope you put those little bits of paper away for safekeeping. He will love to read them one day! Or, maybe when you guys are disagreeing about poo vs. fingernail polish or something similar, you can take them out to remind him! Thank you for the lovely comments on my blog. I am very happy to have found yours now. I have put your button on my pinterest page.


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