Mouthwatering Strawberry Mojito recipe (non-alcoholic)

Strawberry mojito non-alcoholic cocktail

Remember the great heatwave of 2018? When the UK shut down gasping for air, and no one could get off the M20 into a Eurotunnel carriage. Whatever your weather this weekend, this Strawberry Mojito mocktail is guaranteed to quench thirst, impress visitors, and give you one of your five a day. #WIN.

We’re never happy in Britain, are we? It’s too wet, it’s too cold, it’s too windy, and now it’s too hot. I for one am hoping that the heatwave is set to last (although I do have some wellies to photograph for work soon, so I may have to flood the paddling pool).

One way of keeping my kids cool is to provide them with plenty of refreshing drinks. I make them drink lots of water when it’s like this – kids dehydrate quickly, but occasionally on a hot day it’s wonderful to have something a little different.

This virgin strawberry mojito is the perfect blend of citrus tang with cool mint and luscious berry. I guarantee your kids will love it, and you could even add a tiny shot of rum for yourself!

Strawberry Mojito Mocktail

Strawberry mojito ingredients strawberries lime mint
Zesty lime, fresh mint, and luscious strawberries

There really couldn’t be a more tempting cocktail, bursting with colour and flavour.

Non-alcoholic strawberry mojito recipe

Zesty Strawberry Mojito, full of flavour and alcohol-free

A refreshing drink for hot days that feels really special.
5 from 3 votes
Course Drinks


  • 1.5 limes cut into wedges
  • 20 mint leaves, plus extra sprigs to garnish
  • 5 very ripe strawberries puréed
  • 2 tsp sugar syrup
  • soda water
  • crushed ice


  • Put the lime wedges and mint leaves into a cocktail shaker, or sturdy glass and 'muddle' them with a cocktail muddler, or by crushing them with the end of a rolling pin
  • When they're softened, pour the juice through a sieve into a tall glass of crushed ice
  • Add the sugar syrup and strawberry puree
  • Top up the glass with soda water and stir
  • Garnish and enjoy!
Keyword Cocktail, Drink, Mocktail,, Strawberries

Cocktail Muddler strawberries lime and mint mojito recipe

A cocktail muddler is basically a wooden tool for squashing the juice out of the ingredients, ready to use in the drink, but the end of a rolling pin would do the same job. And technically, you should leave the ‘muddled’ lime and mint in the drink, but for kids it’s probably better just to strain them out.

Put your feet up, and enjoy your summer!

You might also enjoy this post about low calorie cocktail recipes.


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I have produced this recipe for Beko fridge freezers. You can find more of their strawberry recipes here

Strawberry Mojito with lime mocktail non-alcoholic

9 thoughts on “Mouthwatering Strawberry Mojito recipe (non-alcoholic)”

  1. Ooh now this looks amazing. I love a mojito so at the BBQ we are having in a couple of weeks I’m going to be making this for everyone to try.

  2. 5 stars
    This recipe is delicious! I am using it as I am trying to cut down my alcohol intake and I don’t miss the alcohol when it is so tasty without. Definitely prefer leaving the muddled lime and mint in the glass. I am trying to cut down my sugar intake as well so I used 2 tsps of Agave syrup instead of sugar.

    • Oh that’s a great idea too – thanks for the tip. Glad you’re enjoying it! Hope we get the weather back to go with it soon 🙂


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