Expressions #16: Over the moon!

Over the moon at winning the team laser game on his birthday

There was an incident on Wednesday. A 7 year old’s head came into contact with a rifle butt – not a phrase I ever thought I’d type.  Complaints that the girls had an unfair advantage, being older and bigger. Anguish at being shot when out of ammo. Angst at being on the team that was lagging behind at half time. But miraculously (*winks*) the announcement came, when the laser party was over, that the birthday boy’s team had won by a whisker. And I managed to catch the expression of joyful disbelief as those words were uttered. Not very well, admittedly, in the darkened room, without a flash, but it’s there all the same. My boy. Aged 7. Thrilled to bits.

12 thoughts on “Expressions #16: Over the moon!”

  1. I fricking LOVE lasertag! Belated birthday wishes to the Bug – that face is priceless.
    Reminds me of the time you announced you had shaved your legs…. 😉

  2. Excellent capture – you can see in his expression and his body gestures his absolute pleasure at winning!

  3. Awww Happy Birthday Bug!!

    What an expression quite clearly sheer delight and a complete success 🙂

    Last time Madam went to a laser party for 7/8 yr it had to finish early due to amount of injuries including the birthday boy loosing a tooth!


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