Easter – the photo gallery

In classic GG and Bug style, I give you – what we got up to in church on Easter Sunday morning. I completed a resurrection-themed crossword:

"kids easter crossword"And the Bug copied it:

Then we both hung around the elderly gentlemen, who seemed keen to collect all the chocolate eggs for us in the Vicar’s egg hunt. Swot you do, right?

This is my Photo Gallery post for Sticky Fingers. Will get some better pics next week 😉

15 thoughts on “Easter – the photo gallery”

  1. ‘Crucified’…. 8 Across. Might have needed a little help with that one. Oh no, wait….”The thing your 12 year old son tried to do to his little brother every day this Easter”

    • Yes, and I was actually quite proud when the Vicar thrust a mic into GG’s face and asked her what the hollow eggs represent. She came right out with “it symbolises the empty tomb!” I never knew that!

  2. Thats a great take on this weeks theme!! I hope you got lots of chocolate and made sure mummy didn’t get her mitts on it!, x


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