72/366 Photos: A fashion show

"Kids on the catwalk"Every year at school there is a fashion show, at which children get to model lots of different items, and parents get to lighten their cheque books after a rocking show and a glass of wine. This year I was selected for the year 2 end of show dance routine. We all wore the blue and white Mary Quant-style dress and delivered our hastily-rehearsed moves to the screams, yells and cheers of family and friends.

I was so proud darling. You looked absolutely stunning, you got your moves all sorted, and you modelled with a gorgeous smile on your face. I was so excited to see you having so much fun with your friends – I love you. Mummy x

The Bug refused to take part – his friend claimed it was for girls – but the boys were cheeky and cute with their air-guitar routines, and Mummy is secretly hoping that he can replicate this on the catwalk next year:

8 thoughts on “72/366 Photos: A fashion show”

  1. The video is nice, it seems like he is so happy in that video. About the picture, girls also enjoying in that picture. Keep smiling 🙂


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