Why we’re definitely booking another Siblu holiday

"Siblu holiday parks"

We came home just as the weather turned bad again! Our ridiculous timing took us out of the country just as the sunshine arrived for its week long holiday in the UK. That in itself would be sufficient to see M&D booking another Siblu holiday, but that isn’t the driving factor.

Is it the splash park my brother and I spent long hours in, only being dragged away when our teeth were chattering with cold, and then only for as long as it took to eat yet another French ice-cream? The gorgeous beaches, wide enough to find our own space – no crowds here. The fact that the Bug learned to ride his bicycle on 2 wheels round the little running track on-site? The croissants, fresh every day from the park shop? The larger than average mobile homes? The free kids club where the leaders really do say everything in English as well as French?

"Siblu holiday entertainment"

Well yes, it is partly all of those things. But it is more. Let me tell you a story…

On our first night in a Siblu Family holiday M&D opted for the onsite restaurant. Having been suitably impressed by how spacious our mobile home was, they nevertheless were on holiday, and wanted to get started with the chilling out. They ordered moules frites, and ate as they watched me and the Bug learning the moves to “Choooocolatay!!!” a song which has been with us ever since.

“Oh God, what have we done?” they rolled their eyes across a carafe of very palatable rosé. “Excuse me,” said a lady at the next table. “We couldn’t help overhearing. We said exactly the same thing on our first night, and now we don’t want to go home. You get used to it. And the kids are happy.” The kids are happy! M&D glanced over at the stage, where a guy in a funny hat was teaching us the Pirate Club song. “Catchy, isn’t it?” mumbled Mummy, before she could help herself. “We’ll go back to the mobile home after the kids show,” replied Daddy.

But they didn’t. We begged to stay, and we were having so much fun that they didn’t have the heart to remove us from the stage, where some girls were dancing – very well, as it happens – to the voice (actually really good voice) of their team-mate.

Now normally M&D like their evenings to themselves, a glass of wine, some grown-up time, etc, yawn, boring! But as that week passed, we stayed up later and later, wine glass next to Orangina bottle as they shared our excitement. They claim they didn’t watch the shows, that they were happy seeing us in our element while they sipped wine and relaxed. But I spied them laughing along at the sketches, and guess who was most keen to get up on stage??

So was the entertainment cheesy? Yes, but we were happy, safe, in our element, and in view. So M&D were happy, relaxed, in their element – and secretly quite enjoying it too! What’s not to like?

Before we were born, M&D’s holiday destination diary read like an excerpt from Condé Nast Traveller. The alpine ski holiday on which they met was swiftly followed up by a road trip round California. A redundancy package resulted in a water villa in the Maldives. The eventual  honeymoon saw them whale-watching and getting up close to leopards and the rest of the “Big 5” in South Africa.

Do they miss that kind of holiday? Not remotely. Can you imagine trying to navigate vineyards with children? Dozing on the deck of your private villa whilst baby sharks swim beneath? Watching lions devour a buffalo whilst trying to keep your kids safe?

No, their needs are much simpler now despite the complication of children. A clean bright space where Daddy can BBQ and Mummy can sip popping wine on the deck. A clean swimming pool (or two) with slides, and brilliant lifeguards. Evenings where their children come alive and sparkle with excitement before their eyes. Safe playgrounds and cycling tracks. And fresh croissants every morning…

This is why we’ll be booking another Siblu holiday. If you are craving a break, Siblu have a fantastic late deals page for family holidays. You’ll have to beat me to it though! 😉

Friends of ours holidayed with Siblu in Normandy and reviewed all the pros and cons in a lot of detail, so if this post has piqued your interest you can find out more about Siblu by heading over there.

* Siblu sent us free of charge to Domaine de Kerlann in Brittany so that we could write our review. Opinions are our own. We have holidayed with Siblu before, and will do again. In our opinion, Siblu are the best quality luxury mobile home campsites in France. We travelled with Brittany Ferries, who also impressed us with their facilities for families.


9 thoughts on “Why we’re definitely booking another Siblu holiday”

  1. Great review – have to say that we tend to steer clear of anything remotely holiday park-ish, and like you the thought of evenign entertainment fills us with horror – we have a camper van which is how we holiday at the moment, but I do like the sound of this – especially the wine bit 🙂

    • Well it did us too before we tried it – but honestly we really had a blast. Once you get into how much the kids are enjoying it all, you really start to enjoy it yourself.

  2. What a great review (what amazing eyeshadow the lady had on) you’ve really made me fancy taking a trip, it’s sounded a blast 🙂

  3. Your site was so different from ours!
    My review will be up tomorrow hopefully – I’ve done the ferry and the outing to Omaha beach war memorial so far. But I reckon the ideal would be to go to yours for a week of sunshine and water parks and the Domaine De Litteau for some chilling and outings!

  4. V jealous – we love Siblu but my blog wasn’t big enough to get a trip (did apply for this one) : (

    We especially love Domaine de Dugny in the Loire Valley as it even has a lake with pedaloes!

    • Sorry you didn’t get to go 🙁 I feel a bit guilty that we got so lucky. I will try Dugny another yr. that and Masson are on my list


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