Spider Webs: Wot so Funee?

On the School Run

“It’s like the spiders have made England into an adventure playground…”

Beautiful spider webs on a misty morning

Spider webs in the mist

I had a whole other #funee lined up for today, but after the school run this morning I couldn’t resist this one. Because that’s the best thing about a Mummy blog – the small moments with your children that make you smile on a misty morning.

Wot So Funee?Now, if you have your own post to link this week, grab the badge code from the sidebar, and click the link below to enter your post – I can’t wait to see what you have! It’s not obligatory, but if you include a link back here in your own post, I’ll return the favour with a tweet-out. If you’re new here you can check out theΒ Wot So Funee? main pageΒ for more info.

I’m also linking to Mummy Daddy Me’s #OrdinaryMoments – there are some lovely posts there and I resolve to improve my photography skills!


24 thoughts on “Spider Webs: Wot so Funee?”

  1. We had similar conversations this morning but more a long the lines of where Spiderman is currently living!
    Beautiful pics x

  2. Gorgeous photos, Helen. My kids were fascinated by the same thing the other day on the school run; the webs look really beautiful covered in dew. I’ve linked with a post about (another) sleepless night πŸ˜‰

  3. i have to say i hate spiders BUT i do apprecite a spider web like this with the dew/raindrops shining of the web. They are some stunning photos you have taken – even if they are made by spiders *eeeek* x

  4. You say you are a rubbish photographer- these are amazing! That first one is so amazing- they are quite fascinating really. And I love the moment too- those ordinary moments that make you smile. And now you have written it down so you will never forget it. πŸ™‚ x

  5. That is such a cute thing to say, I love the way children view the world. Fab photos too even if I do hate spiders! I keep finding then all over my house, one downside to this time of year! x

  6. Ooohhh fab photos. We commented on the spider webs too, but sadly from the car. I bet they were great close up. I love the ideas of spiders in an adventure playground. xx

  7. They have indeed – seems so obvious but it takes a child’s eyes to actually see it!

    Love the photo’s – am going to start linking up soon, i’m sure we have millions of funee’s i juts need to write them down so i don’t forget πŸ™‚

  8. There are spiders webs everywhere here – I try and pretend to the kids that it doesn’t bother me lest I pass on my phobias to them! x


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