Music as Therapy

Mummy has now been tagged by no less than 4 people to take part in MammyWoo’s Music as Therapy theme, so I tactfully suggested that now might be the time to get her act together and complete the loop. The idea is that you choose a song that means something to you, for the lyrics, a memory, or just the way it makes you feel. So, thanking Diary of a Lagos Mum, Honie Mummy Blog, But Why Mummy Why? and Mum of One for the tag, here is our version. (Scroll down for mine – it’s the best)!

Mummy’s turn first. She got a bit emotional reading about everyone else’s capacity for music to relax, re-energise or move them. She remembered a different person, the one she was before me and the Bug, before Daddy, even, when she spent evenings lying on the floor of her flat, belting out Celine Dion (she has no shame – good job she found us all or heaven knows what kind of excuse for a woman she would be by now)! Evenings are more likely to find her with a glass of wine and a bowl of popcorn glued to the computer now, and she knows that Celine would be the healthier option (marginally).

But never fear dear readers; Daddy sorted out her musical re-education and she has chosen this one, for the memory of their first date, walking along the A316 Great Chertsey Road in Chiswick (don’t ask!):

It feels just like we’ve just got started….It’s still you taking me up there. Pretend to be scared then decide that we don’t care. Creased ourselves up on the way down…..It’s still you and the moment you met me you said I was cheap; you were the sale of the Century!

Romance was never their strong point, but playing this has just reminded Mummy of why she and Daddy are together 😉

Next up Daddy’s britpop fave from his bachelor days.

If he’s honest, Daddy can’t sing, and never really listens to lyrics, but he does still love Shed 7, and drags Mummy off to see them in dubious locations at small gigs that they still do. She had forgotten how much fun it was to jump up and down and get covered in flying lager at such events. He owns a ‘Chasing Rainbows’ t-shirt. Apparently they were never massive because they have indie intergrity (whatever that is).

And now mine. This is my current fave, and has been for  over a year, which is good going for someone my age. How many seconds does it take for you to figure out what the track is?

Pretty Woman anyone?

6 thoughts on “Music as Therapy”

  1. Great singing there, and three great choices. I used to drink in the same pub as Rick Witter from Shed Seven (minor claim to fame!)


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