Just Get Him a Puppy! Dear So and So…

The puppy discussions have reached epic proportions in the Actually Mummy household this week, so I have decided to wade in and complete the trilogy of Dear So and So letters….

Dear Bug….. Do not worry. Mummy has promised not to get you a Coral Snake, therefore it will not bite your puppy and he will not run inside and hide. Coral snakes are poisonous and will actually kill your puppy. What you want is a Milk Snake – they’re fine….Always here to help, your very intelligent sister x

Dear Rhino…. Do you realise what you have done by bringing in your menagerie of pets for show and tell? Not only does my brother need a puppy, he now requires a rabbit and a miniature tortoise as well!…. Protectively, GG

Dear Bug’s Teacher….. It is time to move on. Pet week has lasted nearly a month and is becoming difficult to manage. The plethora of ambiphians parading through the classroom is complicating the Bug’s wish list. I mean, is a Bearded Dragon something Santa could actually lay his hands on this side of Christmas??….Bored now, Year 2 Know-All.

Dear Mummy….Just get him a puppy already! Then all the talk of puppy-eating snakes and Geckos in the bed can stop – it’s giving me nightmares!….Love, GG x

Dear So and So...

6 thoughts on “Just Get Him a Puppy! Dear So and So…”

  1. Dear Bug

    It’s great you liked seeing my pets in school, the teacher like the rabbits so much that she has asked mummy to bring them back again when they grow a but bigger – maybe you can do the same with your puppy.
    Do you think we should start collecting sticks for it at playtime?
    You need to get a real one, taking that cheap plastic dog your mummy bought you in just doesn’t work. Have seen a robot dog online called an I-cybie you need one of them or the real thing, don’t settle for anything less.
    Maybe wait til my party though, were gonna have all kinds of animals
    From snakes through to meerkats, you might find something else you like?
    See you in two sleeps
    Love your bug buddy
    Little rhino x x

  2. I love it. I’m not an animal lover so pets are a subject that I like to avoid whenever its brought up. Damn those kids with pets!


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