Tara’s theme at the Photo Gallery this week is the letter T. T for Tara, T for Toys, T for Trees…. In a rare guest post here today Mummy ponders the passing of time – and realises that she has no idea where it has gone! Is time running out?
GG, what has happened to you? It seems like only a couple of years ago that we brought you home on your Birth Day. In your new car seat, wearing your new Mamas & Papas snowsuit, with your brand new fresh skin. Eczema, asthma, chicken pox, scarlatina, several bruises, and some return visits to that hospital have all passed since then. A lot of time has gone by – and the new things on your birthday have changed so dramatically!
Birthday number 1:

Sweet, childish, a treasure to be kept forever… Is time running out?
Birthday number 2:

Still innocent, even cuter, dressing up and beginning a love of make-believe. Is time running out?
Birthday number 3:

Still fanatical about dressing-up, but getting brand-savvy already. Is time running out for me to show you that although I hate role-play, and its “then you kiss me, then I wake up, then we get married” repetition (yes, I know, wrong princess!), I love you, and I will do anything for you? Even role-play. In a minute. I promise…… Is there still enough time?
Birthday number 4:

Oh my little girl! You have your first bike! With pink glittery streamers and a ‘bebear seat’ because Bedtime Bear goes everywhere with you. Those stabilisers are gone now, you cast them aside with pride (but Bebear still hugs you tight at night). Is time running out?
Birthday number 5:

Way more sophisticated now. You can do more stuff with this thing than I can – and you can’t even read the instructions. Times have changed and now you are the instructor, and I am content to let you show me the way. Is time running out?
Birthday number 6:

Oh no! Already? Last year all the kids in school got their own iPod and I fobbed you off with a kids camera. This year I made up for it big-style. But I am frightened now. Is time running out?
Birthday number 7:

This is what you wanted. And I almost sighed with relief as I handed over the cash for this over-priced ton of pink plastic. Yes, you have a DSi, you know your way around an iPad better than me, and you are toying with the idea that pink clothes are not cool anymore. But you are still a little girl who loves to play with dolls. You are still my baby girl. There is still time….
Great take on the theme! My little girl had her first birthday yesterday and I bet it is going to feel like no time at all before she is having her 7th birthday! 🙁 Time goes to quickly x
She will still be your baby girl even when she nicks your make-up!
Happy Birthday GG x
What do you mean when? All the make-up lives in her room now! 😉
Aaah, I know how you feel, mine were just babies moments ago and now they are 5 and very nearly 9. Time has flown x
What a lovely take on the theme. And, it does go by so very fast so enjoy. x
My eldest daughter is 20 next week. Time flies by…but they never stop being your little girl! Enjoy 🙂 xxx
You had me kerfuddled there for a minute you mo fo! But it IS you really you and not the little person *pinches self*
Now you know what this means… you can finally post about #frozenwine!
Congratualtions you are my Mo Fo today in my NaNoMoFo month 🙂 oh you lucky thang!
I’m honoured – I think! Now do you really think frozen wine and Barbie dolls go well together? Might end up in some kind of M&S bra fiasco!
That is lovely. Glad she still wants toys 🙂
Oh yes time is something that just seems to whirl by these days. I got all sad at the twins 2nd birthday this year as there 1st went in such a blur I felt I had missed a year!
But clearly your little girl is still little and savor every moment. x
Hi! My little one is two in December and I can’t believe it. Time really does fly by, and having a child makes you realise that more than ever. Sometimes I wish I could pause time, but I’m too excited about what’s to come. Anyway, happy birthday to the birthday girl!
Lovely lovely post. I read it earlier on the old mobile and it brought a tear to my eye. Very lovely. And what a sweetheart your daughter is in those pictures. Beauty and brains.
Oh that is so lovely 🙂 She looks like such a poppet in the early photos! Moo will be one next week and a small part of me dreads it – she’s not my baby any more…
Great post X
Lovely. Can’t wait for my first bike! (I also got a rocking horse for my first birthday!) GG is such a little cutie.
Great take on the theme. You are sooo right, where does the time go?
Fab post – so glad she is still your little girl – for a bit longer at least. My oldest is 6 1/2 and birthday pressies have followed a similar pattern!
Aaawww (and tears)
I love your take on this post and yes, time does fly by, that’s why I’m so happy to be blogging throughout so I’ll have something to look back on in years to come 🙂
Aww I love this post. She will always be your baby girl x
the baby is so pretty like an angle
thaks for share