Comfort Food

Ice cream, candy floss, fries on the beach. Pizza slice, stick of rock, Slush Puppies that make your nose ache. Crisp iceberg lettuce, juicy prawns and a tart marie-rose sauce. Fried fish and chilled Sauvignon, lemon Fanta for me. Crushed ice Mojitos, BBQ’d halloumi cheese, olives and roasted peppers. Lush red strawberries, picked from the fruit-farm, nestled in a cloud of whipped cream and meringue. Spanish omelette wrapped in foil, popping wine from plastic flutes, marshmallows singed on a stick over the campfire. Fruit tarts, watermelon wedges, ice-pops and lemon sorbet.

Oh, but hang on a minute – it’s raining. Actually, let’s re-phrase that; it’s pelting down huge great blobs of water, splashing over my sandals. Wet grass between my toes, rats-tail hair in my eyes, mud-splattered legs and cold fingers. Cagoules on the beach, sloppy sand in the picnic, garden centre sold out of gazebos. Socks wet on arrival at school, summer uniform limp and sadly hopeful. Wellies and summer shorts look great in the Boden catalogue, but the reality is not so sunny.

I know what we need: comfort food…

Lasagne, roast beef, shepherds pie with gravy. Cheesy mash, mugs of soup, greek lamb stew. Hot, fluffy pancakes, toasted teacakes oozing butter, crumpets for tea. Hot chocolate, whipped cream and a roaring fire. Jacket potates, more butter, BBQ baked beans. Sticky toffee pudding, jam roly-poly, sticks to your ribs. Apple pie and custard, syrup sponge like a steaming hug, and the ultimate in comfort food…

Macaroni Cheese

"macaroni cheese comfort food"To hell with the weather, lets get fat!

6 thoughts on “Comfort Food”

  1. Loved this post! Now my mouth is watering! Apple pie and custard …. I love macaroni cheese. Pancakes dripping in butter and maple syrup. Time for a chocolate biscuit me thinks!


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