All the above items will be available in the Autumn/Winter collection at John Lewis. Let’s just say, I think I have found my party dress!
Yes, I know! It is way too early to be thinking about what I need for Christmas 2012, and yet…. I just cannot help myself! I go all pink, just thinking about the lush things I’ve seen, and I’ve already submitted my birthday requirements to Mummy so the Christmas list it is! I mean, who doesn’t get a sparkly tingle at the site of a twinkly light reflected in a shiny bauble? No? Just me then. Read on while I tell you what I need for Christmas, and I’m pretty sure you’ll be ordering your tree before you reach the end of my post!
Top of my wish list is the Kurio family tablet. Daddy is a fan of all things Apple, but Mummy has been rather frustrated at the choice of educational apps, and gets rather twitchy when the Bug ends up on Twitter. With the Kurio different internet and age settings can be applied to each member of the family, with passwords to keep us from using each other’s accounts. Apple apps are brilliant for pre-school children, but we have struggled to find much of educational value for Key Stage 1 and 2 schoolchildren, so mostly I play Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja. Talking of which, the Kurio comes pre-loaded with the biggest gaming apps, and with the option to add more from the Android app store.
Best of all, the Kurio can be pre-set with playing times for each user, which means I could have it in my bedroom (my DS currently resides in Mummy’s desk, under lock and key, with a password that involves eating my vegetables, doing my homework, and getting enough sleep)! It will simply switch off when my allotted time is up, leaving me with nothing to do but fall asleep at a sensible hour. Hmmph! At which point, the case whips easily off and it turns into this:
This scares me slightly. Mummy likes Twitter; she also likes to blog, and when the Kurio morphs into the sleeker model I am concerned that I may never lay eyes on it again. The keypad option means that she will be able to borrow our tablet for blogging on the move, which could leave me and the Bug playing Uno in the back of the car for hours on end! Whatever, I predict the Kurio will be that toy that sells out in 20 seconds flat this Christmas, so my advice is this: get one. Quick. Muuummmmeeeeee!
Moving on, I also have on my list everything I need for my family for Christmas (I know, I’m a very generous girl. What? I am)!
Grandma has a sweet tooth. So we need to give her a Sweet Tree. Made entirely of sweets, and with lots of different varieties to choose from these are totally making
my Grandma’s present list. I might get Daddy the one made of liquorice allsorts too; the Bug would definitely like the Randoms version; and if I could convince Mummy to throw a huge party (and hire a large mansion) they even make a huge Christmas Tree out of chocolate buttons!
Here are 2 Jelly Belly flowers we just couldn’t help ourselves from devouring earlier 😉
Granny: likes fine stuff. Lovely bath gels and body lotions. Room scenters that don’t plug in to the wall. The first time they spent Christmas together, Granny gave Mummy a selection of Jo Malone bath oils. Mummy gave her tea-towels. It took her several years to cotton on that Granny wanted this stuff. Neom is a new range at John Lewis this year, and it is on Mummy’s list!
Next up Daddy and Uncle Ben. Daddy used to be happy at Fat Face, but since his mid-life crisis kicked in, his old faves have become too mainstream. I cringe at the weird grey stuff he buys in the name of cool these days, from darkened shops befitting teenagers rather than – dare I say it? – middle age. I have therefore discovered Finicky Shirts, who will create a shirt to Daddy’s requirements – fitted or loose, button-down or cutaway collars, fabric of choice, sleeves to measure. Oh yes, the men in our household will have nothing to complain about this Christmas.
The Bug is a sucker for a cuddly toy. He is actually a real boy, complete with guns and nose-picking grossness. But he does love a plush teddy. He is also often to be found lazing around in his bed, so he will be getting a pillow pet. Gorgeous soft cuddly penguin, that poppers open to become a squishy pillow at bedtime! That should keep him out of my way for a bit!
Finally there are the stocking fillers. The list is pretty much endless, but I would like a blueberry-scented jelly-belly iPhone cover (for the iPhone that I hope to get one day); some Bedazzles for my scooter (glittery gems I can stick on my wheels to personalise them); and the funkiest hooter I’ve ever seen for my bike.
And that’s it! Oh. Hang on a minute. I forgot Mummy. Actually, she stopped when she saw this, and I couldn’t get her to leave. Santa, I think she’d really appreciate this ginormous Samsung fridge. Filled with mini Champagne bottles:
oooohh I neeeeeed a sweet tree too!
I did stop for rather a long time in front of the chocolate button tree before I allowed the PR lady to move on to less edible items!
Please do not tell Master E about the Kurio tablet xx
Hee hee! I bet he’ll tell you!
Love the idea of a tablet that switches itself off when the time is up.
Isn’t that the best thing??
I’m in the dilema Ipad or Kurio for a 5 year old? I’ve read so many mixed reviews about the Kurio I’m feeling hesitant in buying one. I’m really keen on the educational apps for her and you’ve answered my main question – the Ipad is limited. Can you put my mind at rest and let me know whether you’d recomend it as an educational tool for a child. Also, are the english and maths test relate to the UK or Americian curriculum? Thank you
Hi A, we actually haven’t got one yet, but I loved the educational aspect of the Kurio – so much better than the iPad in my opinion. The person who you should ask is Mags, who has done extensive reviews of her Kurio on her blog: