Not many people enjoy receiving homework when they are younger, which can often make completing it a difficult task. Everyone may also have their own struggles when it comes to homework tasks. Most parents will want to help their kids as much as possible and avoid the troubles and struggles that they faced in their childhood years.
If you have children who are currently in school, then you want to be able to help them as much as you can. Here are several top tips to help your children with their homework.
Create a routine for your children
A great way to help anyone accomplish most goals or tasks in life (including children doing their homework) is to create a routine that can be implemented into their life. These routines may work differently from family to family and even child to child. You will need to find out what routine best works for your child with a little trial and error. For example, after a day of school, your child might be in the swing of things and find it easy to do their homework as soon as they get home, allowing them to have a free evening after. Alternatively, your child may be a little burnt out and need to recharge themselves for an hour before attempting any homework.
Use available tools and resources
Some schools will offer online tools to help them complete, track and guide you and your children with their homework. They can also offer additional support and learning material for subjects that your child is currently learning about. However, you don’t always need to rely on your school’s online support and learning material, as there are other places you can access this information too. For example, this push and pull kindergarten video would help give a great visual and verbal explanation to your child.
Encourage your children even when they struggle
Many children can find homework hard, boring, or even frustrating. The important thing for their parents is to stay calm and not get angry or frustrated if their child struggles. There could be many reasons why your child is struggling, from an undiagnosed learning difficulty, lack of interest in the subject, they have a different learning style or even poor and neglectful teaching. Whatever the reason may be, you should always look to encourage and praise them for trying their best, even when they are finding the homework hard. This way they will have positive reinforcement put into place and will feel more motivated to carry on trying. If you notice that your child is struggling with their homework, set aside some time to try and help them with what they are stuck on.
Discuss their homework with them
Everyone has a busy life, and at times it can seem hard, if not impossible to fit everything that you need to do into your day. However, engaging with your children when it comes to their education is an important part of their life, and you should make time for it and discuss their homework with them when possible. This way you will not only get a better understanding of your child’s interests and even struggles when it comes to schoolwork, but you will be showing an interest in them and what happens in their life. This will have a huge positive mental effect on your child. If your child is struggling or unsure about some of their homework, they might feel too ashamed or nervous about bringing up the subject with you, but if you initiate the conversation and open up a space for them to talk about their homework or time at school, they may feel more comfortable about approaching you with any questions, queries, or struggles they may have.
Create a study zone for your children
Not all help that you give your children with their homework needs to be done one on one, or spoon-fed to them. For example, something you could consider doing for your children is to create a study zone for them. It could be an area or a room that has all the required tools and equipment easily and readily available for your children to use when completing their homework, as well as a rule that if someone is in the room studying, then it is a quiet zone. Not only will this help aid in the completion of your child’s work, but it will help your children to become more independent. They will create an association with studying in this area, and settle to complete their homework much quicker and easier.
If you have children in school who currently receive homework and want to help them with it, why not give one of these top tips a go?